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Read MoreCoronavirus Animation Explainer Videos
The Australian government department of health has produced a series of animated explainer videos around Coronavirus (Covid-19).
These are short, sharp, simple and highly shareable videos.
We have compiled them here along with the transcripts below so you can view it all in one place.
Feel free to share these videos around to your staff, colleagues, family and friends:
Coronavirus video – Social distancing
Coronavirus is most likely to spread from person to person when we come into close contact with one another.
We can all help stop the spread by keeping our distance.
This means do not shake hands, or exchange physical greetings, and wherever possible, stay at least 1.5 metres away from others.
It’s also really important to practise good hygiene, especially after being in public places.
Together we can help stop the spread and stay healthy.
Visit health.gov.au to learn more.
Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.
Coronavirus video – Older Australians
For most people, coronavirus is a mild disease with a quick recovery.
But for older Australians, it can be more serious.
To help protect those most at risk, new restrictions limiting access to aged care facilities are now in place.
This will help reduce the risks for residents and those that care for them.
It’s also important to check up on the older people in our communities and make sure they’re okay.
Together, we can help stop the spread and stay healthy.
Visit health.gov.au to learn more.
Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.
Good Hygiene Starts Here
To help stop the spread of viruses
like the flu or coronavirus
good hygiene is essential.
That starts with washing your hands thoroughly
with soap and water
whenever you cough, sneeze or blow your nose,
prepare food or eat, care for someone sick,
touch your face, or use the toilet.
Remember to cough or sneeze into your arm
or a tissue. Bin the tissue and wash your hands.
Together, we can help stop the spread
and stay healthy.
Visit health.gov.au
Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.
Help Stop The Spread
Viruses spread when you cough and sneeze
and the tiny droplets land on surfaces others might touch.
You can help reduce the risk
by coughing or sneezing into your arm or a tissue.
Bin the tissue.
Wash your hands with soap and water,
and if you’re sick, seek medical advice.
Together, we can help stop the spread and stay healthy.
Visit health.gov.au
Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.
Recent Traveler
Have you recently been overseas
or in contact with someone with coronavirus?
You need to stay home and monitor your health.
If you develop flu-like symptoms,
fever or cough, seek medical advice
and call ahead if going to a doctor.
Then if your illness is mild, stay home.
Practice good hygiene
and avoid anyone prone to viruses, including older people.
Together, we can help stop the spread and stay healthy.
Visit health.gov.au to learn more.
Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.
Stay informed
As the coronavirus outbreak continues,
it’s important to stay well informed.
A national plan has been activated to manage the virus
and support our community.
As more is learned about the virus and the way it spreads,
the plan will be adapted, and we will let you know about the latest advice.
For up-to-date information, visit health.gov.au.
Together, we can help stop the spread and stay healthy.
Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.
Seven steps to prevent the spread of the virus (World Health Organisation)
The Australian Government Department of health have also produced a range of infographics and additional resources which can be found below: